Week 5 : The Jan Mayen Volcano and Norway's Approach to Detect Volcanic Activity
My first thought when thinking about volcanoes and their relationships to Norway was that there were none. I figured that Iceland's volcanoes were the closest to having any sort of effect on Norway but after a bit of research, I learned that Norway has a major volcano very close to it! As a volcanic nation, the Norwegian sea holds hundreds of active volcanoes nearly two miles below the surface. For this blog, we won't be focusing on those, but it is fascinating to learn that so many volcanoes exist under the ocean! For this week, we will be diving into the understanding of the Jan Mayen Volcano! Named after the Jan Mayen Island, located in the Norwegian Sea, this basaltic stratovolcano exists along the island, surrounded by high cliffs. A stratovolcano's type of eruption ...